Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why is following God's Anointed One so difficult?

It's difficult because we do battle against the desires of the flesh, the desire of the eyes and the pride of possessions, the same things that confronted Eve when tempted by the Adversary. We have the law of sin working in our bodies because we are of the federal head of the whole human race, Adam. We also fight against wicked spirits in high places - the heavenly realm. Now if one is in the anointed one of God, His beloved son Jesus who by his death defeated the powers of the Adversary and those under him; then we can walk free from the law of sin that keeps those not in him in bondage; and with the new creation life he has given us we can walk in the spirit overcoming the law of sin in us.

It is a daily, hourly battle that will not be over until we are resurrected; but it is a battle worth winning in the anointed one Jesus. We do not carry out this battle that God has placed us in on our own because He always provide us with the power to carry out whatever He asks us to do, and that power is His indwelling Spirit! Our hope, IF we hold fast to His message and obey His commands, to love Him with all our being and love one another, is to co-inherit with the lord Messiah this world which will be completely renewed by him and us; and to co-rule over all the nations that live over into the coming new age with the lord Messiah Jesus, the King of Israel and King of kings and Lord of lords of all the nations.

Now we need to walk through this wilderness as Israel did of old but instead of the unbelief that impeded them; we need to walk in the faith of Abraham in Messiah Jesus, so that what our God and Father has begun in us, He will cause to bear fruit enabling us by His Spirit to have a glorious life as glorified men/woman immortal in the soon coming new age!

In Messiah Jesus we have truth, light, love, the way, new age life, wisdom, power of the spirit of truth - his spirit working in us, to help us along the way and he as our high priest who always acts as our advocate before the throne of his God and our God, his Father and our Father. Rejoice, the battle is ours. IF we remain in him to the end, we will be victorious.
Put on the whole armor of God and pray unceasingly, rejoicing and praising the name of Yehovah! These are the sacrifices our God and our Father loves to receive. Halil Yah - Praise God all the day long! Rejoice our salvation draws near!

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