Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Satan is the god of this world because Adam forfeited his position as to his God given ruler-ship over this world when he rebelled against Yehovah. God true to form will allow Satan to hold on to the position Adam forfited until the second man, the last Adam; Jesus, who qualified to replace him, when he becane a sin-offering sacrifice on the stake, returns to this earth to take his place on the throne of David at Jerusalem with all of his holy ones - glorified immortal saints - us!

At that time one of the first things he will do is have one of his angels bind Satan and cast him into a pit where he can deceive the nation no more.

Yehovah will show those who do not accept the rulership of the lord Jesus at at the end of the 1,000 year rule what their end result will be. He will loose Satan to once against deceive the nations to rebel against Him and His vice-regent Jesus. This will be done to show that human beings even during the 1,000 years reign will have retained their Adam nature he had after the fall.

However, that rebellion will be put down immediately and Satan and his angels will be caste into the lake of fire and destroyed. Yes I said destroyed. Whatever God has created He can destroy and Satan was and is a created being.

After all this comes the White Throne Judgement, and beyond a complete new order of things to take place in the ages upon ages to come.
What a glorious future we have to become immortal men and women co-inheriting and co-ruling with the lord Messiah Jesus in the coming new age! May that day soon come! 

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