Saturday, January 22, 2022


Constantine was not a Christian by any stretch of anyone's imagination. He committed horrible acts of atrocity against members of his own family and on his opponents. He used the Christian religion as a vehicle to unify his empire and in so doing corrupted it in the process. He held off being baptized until his dying hour. Kind of like covering your bets if you are a gambler. His whole life he worshipped the sun god and paid homage to other pagan religions.

From the time that he presided over the Council of Nicea the christian religion ceased to be broadcast the message that God gave to His son Jesus to give to the world through his disciples, etc. Christianity became a mixture of Greek philosophical ideas and pagan influence, i.e. which we experience to-day in keeping Christmas - Christ's Mass on December 25, a day that was kept by pagan religions in worship of the sun, etc. Easter - Ishtar was substituted for Passover as the time to observe the lord's death and resurrection - if one wants to recognize the proper day to keep the time of the resurrection of Jesus is falls on the first day following the Sabbath that occurs after Passover. Any Jewish calendar will give you the proper first day of the week to recognize Jesus resurrection!
After Constantine the Jewish origins of Christianity were ignored or put on the back burner, replaced by Greek philosophic influences. So for the most part except for a few faithful believers most of Christendom fell under this false influence and became corrupt. Those who remained faithful were persecuted and had to go into hiding to save themselves.
Not long after the Council of Nicea anyone who didn't follow what was given in the creed sanctioned by the Christian Church that developed; were under the penalty of death. Imagine, a church supposedly founded on the teaching of the lord Jesus persecuting people and forcing them to believe a certain creed on the penalty of death for refusing to do so. This is diametrically opposite of everything that Jesus represented to his disciples and to those who believe in the only True God, Yehovah and in His uniquely begotten son Jesus. There is no way that Jesus would sanction putting someone to death for refusing to follow his teachings and commands. Indeed, by their fruits you shall know them.
God will judge those who refuse to be totally committed to walking according to His will. and have refused the message He gave to His son to give to the world, when they are resurrected to the White Throne Judgment. To sanction the death of anyone by a so-called Christian Church is really to deny the lord Jesus the Messiah and commit an act that if not repented of will guarantee those who do so to come under the penalty of the second death - to be caste into the lake of fire and be destroyed.

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