Saturday, April 30, 2022


What changes the world is beholding the glory - presence of God

In scripture, there are a few people who have had really intimate revelations of Yehovah’s glory - presence. Sometimes, beholding Yehovah’s glory - presence can be very natural. The Bible shows us this happens with both people who are actively seeking God and others who are not.

When Moses was walking in the desert, he wasn’t saying, “God, I want to see a sign from you!” He saw a burning bush that aroused his curiosity and as a result, received a great revelation and commission from Yehovah. Now Caleb and Joshua were seeking to obey Yehovah, and as a result, they were the only ones to survive of all the men and women who refused to enter the promised land the first time. After all the desert wandering for over 40 years, they got to enter the Promised Land. Jesus sought out the apostles who were just going about their daily lives.

When Jesus was on this earth Yehovah's glory - presence shone forth on his face.

Notice what happens to the Samaritan woman at the well. She was absolutely not seeking Jesus, she came to the well to get some water. The woman at the well was a sinner, living in sin, her life was broken, but Jesus doesn’t say to her, “Well, if you could just keep the law, I’ll work in your life.” Instead, when you read that story about this Samaritan woman, we see Jesus leading her in conversation to the point where he says to her: "If you ask me, I will give you living water.” She goes back to her town and tells people about the man who has told her everything she has done in her life and they come back with her to meet the man, Jesus. She had this revelation, unsought for, of Yehovah’s heart, and as a result, she becomes the first missionary mentioned in the New Testament. It is also of note that she is the first person in the scriptures that Jesus reveals himself plainly to be the Messiah!  

What you see over and over in scripture is that when people have these intimate moments of seeing the glory - presence of Yehovah, there’s a great work that Yehovah does in them and through them. Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage. Joshua and Caleb led Israel into the Promise Land. The woman at the well brought her town to see and hear the Messiah. The apostles took the gospel to the known world. All this was done by the enabling power of the Spirit of God working through those who had experienced His glory - presence in their lives. Amazing Grace indeed!

If you ever feel like “I just don’t have a great capacity; I’m too flawed”, one thing that is consistent in scripture is this: Yehovah uses a lot of broken people and flawed people which all of us were and in some instances in our lives still are. Every one of us has weaknesses, but we also have received the gift of Yehovah, the enabling power of Yehovah's Spirit, that He has freely given us. As we behold God’s glory - presence, as we walk with Him, He causes the enabling power of His Spirit to help us walk worthy of what He has called us to do: publishing and speaking forth the message of the kingdom/kingship of God to the world. As we do a few lives here and there will be changed forever.

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