Monday, September 23, 2024


To us, “fear” is the opposite of trust; its synonyms are fright, dread, and terror. But the Hebrew equivalent, yirah (YEER-ah) encompasses a wide range of meanings from negative (dread, terror) to positive (worship, reverence) and from mild (respect) to strong (awe).

In English when you read the word “revere” or “reverence,” it comes from the Hebrew word yirah. In Leviticus 19:3, we are told to “fear/respect/revere” our mother and father using this same word. Certainly, here yirah refers to showing them respect or reverence, not being afraid of them.

An even stronger word for “fear,” pahad, (which is often translated “dread”) can also describe jaw-dropping awe.

Notice how Jeremiah uses “pahad,” to describe the coming glory of Jerusalem:

She shall gain through Me renown, joy, fame, and glory above all the nations on earth, when they hear of all the good fortune I provide for them. They will thrill and quiver because of all the good fortune and all the prosperity that I provide for her. (Jeremiah 33:9 JPS)

Here “pahad” is actually translated as “thrill.” Just imagine, “fear” actually describes spine-tingling amazement at what God has done to bless his people!

How Should We “Fear the Lord - Yehovah”?

Often Christians interpret “the Fear of the LORD - Yehovah” as the fear of the punishment God - Yehovah could give us for our deeds. Certainly, we will all stand before God’s – Yehovah’s judgment when we die. But if you know that the Messiah Jesus has paid for your sins, you should not have this kind of fear anymore. This is what John preaches against when he says:\

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.” (1 John 4:18).

The rabbis often spoke of the “fear of the Lord - Yehovah” - “Yirat Adonai – Yehovah”; but they always thought of it in terms of the most positive sense of the word “yirah.” They defined it as awe and reverence for God - Yehovah, which motivates us to do His will.

If you “fear” God’s – Yehovah’s punishment, that kind of fear at its core is self-centered. If you have “yirat” Adonai – Yehovah, awe and reverence for God - Yehovah, it fills you with a deep respect for Him and you feel terrible knowing when you have disappointed Him by not abiding by His will for you.

The fear “yirat” of the LORD - Yehovah is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

In the fear “yirat” of the LORD - Yehovah there is strong confidence, and his children will have refuge. The fear “yirat” of the LORD - Yehovah is a fountain of life, that one may avoid the snares of death. Proverbs 14:26-27

The “fear [yirat] of the Lord = Yehovah” in these passages is an awe-filled love of God - Yehovah that allows us to grow in intimate knowledge of Him. It teaches us how to live and reassures us of God’s – Yehovah’s power and guidance. It gives us a reverence of His will that keeps us from getting caught in sins that will destroy our relationships and lives.

A Sense of God’s – Yehovah’s Presence

One aspect of Yirat Adonai-Yehovah is the idea that we should be constantly aware of the presence of God – Yehovah, to realize that an infinitely powerful God - Yehovah is close at hand. Wow!

In worship, there really is no greater thrill than to feel spine-tingling awe at the grandeur of God - Yehovah. In this sense, to “fear - revere” God - Yehovah is one of the most profound experiences of our lives, spiritually. You can see why the “fear = reverence of the LORD - Yehovah” as an awesome sense of His presence is really the essence of our life of faith.

Our Moral Foundation

Another thing that Yirat Adonai-Yehovah gives us is an inner moral foundation. When you know that God - Yehovah knows your thoughts, you are compelled to act not just for what other people think, but for what God - Yehovah thinks. This was what Paul meant in Colossians 3:22 when he said: “Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord - Yehovah.” Reverence of God - Yehovah gives us an inward sincerity so we won’t do things just for appearances, but to please God - Yehovah who knows our heart. An awareness of God’s – Yehovah’s presence will motivate us to obey him and to obey the words He gave to His son Jesus to give to us. When you know the God – Yehovah is always with you, it causes you to try to live as the disciple he wants you to be.

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