Friday, July 9, 2021


By the close of the book of Genesis, Yehovah had chosen a small, insignificant people to lead. His plan was to raise up a people who would be living examples of His goodness to the nations. To bring about such a testimony, Yehovah took his people into places that were beyond their control. He isolated Israel in a wilderness where He alone would be their source of life, caring for their every need.

Israel had no power over their survival in that desolate place. They couldn’t control the availability of food or water. They couldn’t control their destination. How would they eat and drink? Which direction would they go? Where would they end up?

Yehovah would do it all for them. He would guide them each day with a miracle cloud, one that glowed at night and dispelled the darkness before them. He would feed them with food from heaven and provide them with water. Yes, every single need was supplied by Yehovah, and no enemy were be able to defeat them.

“Out of heaven He let you [Israel] hear His voice, that He might instruct you; on earth He showed you His great fire, and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire” (Deuteronomy 4:36, NKJV).

The nations surrounding ancient Israel worshipped “other gods,” idols made of wood, silver and gold. These gods were unable to love, guide or protect the people who worshipped them. Any one of the nations could look to Israel, though, and see a special people whom Yehovah carried through a terrible wilderness. They would see a God who spoke to his people, who loved and who answered prayers and provided miracles. Here was a living God - Yehovah who guided his people in every detail of their lives.

Yehovah raised up a people who would be trained by Him. There had to be a people who would live under His authority, who would trust Him completely, giving Him full control of every aspect of their lives. That people could have become His testimony to the world, but they failed to be completely committed to walking in obedience before Him. They rejected worshipping Yehovah and worshipped the false gods of the nations that surrounded them.

Eventually Yehovah had to say to them they were no longer His people and scattered them thoughout the nations of the world. Why? because when Yehovah commissioned His uniquely begotten son to bring His words to them they rejected his testimony and refused to recognize him as their Messiah. That was the beginning of the end for the nation of Israel at that time. It was not until 1948 that Israel was recognized as a nation by the nations of the world. However, until they accept the Messiah Jesus as their Messiah they will not be considered a part of the Israel of Yehovah.

What happened after the nation of Isreal rejected their Messiah Jesus was the forward movement of the plan of God. Now those who accepted the one whom Yehovah had sent; whether Jew or Gentile, and were willing to walk into the waters of baptism dying to self and rising up out the water became new creations in the lord Messiah Jesus. It is those peoples, Jew and Gentile, since the resurrection of the lord Jesus that have been grafted into the Israel of Yehovah, and by the spirit of adoption been placed into the household of the only true God Yehovah.

Now all those who are the disciples of the lord Messiah Jesus and constitute the true Israel of God today have a responsibilty to carry the message that Yehovah gave to the lord Jesus to give unto all those who are new creations in him. We as the Israel of Yehovah are to represent HIm and reflect His character as Jesus did while he was living on this earth. We are to be the ambassador's of the Messiah Jesus bringing his testimony to the world.

Sadly, most of Christendom has gone the way of ancient Israel and do not represent Yehovah to this world as He disires His people do. At this time there is only a small remnant, a  "little flock", that is fulfilling the plan of Yehovah in this end time; taking a message of salvatoin to a sick and dying world. That small remnant - "little flock" are enabled by the power of the spirit of Yehovah to take the messge of His Kingship and soon coming Kingdom and all the tihings that apply to the lord Jesus, to this world. 

If you are a part of the "little flock" you need to hold fast to the end of your life or the end of this age and carry out the commission that Yehovah has given you to do. If you do you will be amoing those who will co-rule and co-inherit with the lord Messiah when he returns to take his place on the thonre of David at Zion and establish a Theocratic Government that will rule over all the nations of the world. Those who hold fast will have a postion of service in the Theocratic Government. What a glorious future awaits all those who remain faithful to the end!


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