Monday, February 13, 2017

End Time Prophecy Revealed

End Time Prophecy Revealed

    Time                   Vision of         Vision of         Vision of
                                  Four              Ram &              Four
                                 Beasts               Goat          Horsemen

                                             First Sign Post
Leader - bent on         Lion                                  Rider on a
Conquest; Iraq             with                                  White horse
Coerced                      Wings                              (Revelation                                                                                  6:2)
[Saddam Hussein]   (Daniel 7:9)

* The lion is chosen to represent Iraq because Iraq under Saddam Hussein, like its ancient predecessor Babylon, behaved among nations as a lion searching for the weakest prey even as Satan prowls around like a roaring lion seeking for someone to devour.

[1 Peter 5:8] The lion with wings indicates quickness. When Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Khuzestan and Kuwait, there was little or no warning for the victims. A lion intimidates which is what Saddam Hussein did with his immediate neighbors.

The rider on a White Horse indicates shows one interested in conquest. Saddam though he was the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnessar. He started rebuilding Babylon and thought he would restart the Babylonian Empire and be a liberator of the Arab people uniting them with his nation. His conquest were only two and in both cases he was eventually beaten back from them.

Now the rider of the White horse has a bow, but no arrows?? Could it be that Saddam Hussein used the threat of using Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD] against any adversary which in fact he did not have - no arrows. Saddam kept up the illusion of having WMD in order to keep Iran at bay. He waved an empty potential to launch WMD. The bible itself being silent about the arrows matches perfectly the lack of absolute knowledge of the fate of Saddam's WMD.

What is of interest is this first beast - lion is the only one that has something done to it, all the other do something to others, the bear consumes, the four-headed leopard rules and the terrible beast crushes and tramples. A Muslim nation such as Iraq having democracy forced on it is like a lion being taught to think like a man and stand upright - an unnatural position for a lion - and walk like a man. The whole scene of what is happening in Iraq is totally unnatural and will not in the end be successful.

We can say that the First Signpost ended on December 18, 2011 when the last large contingent of American troops on the ground left Iraq. Could the passages Revelation 6:2-3 and Daniel 7:4 be fulfilled any better or any closer than by Saddam and Iraq? Time will tell.

Note: Revelation 6:8 says of the horsemen: "The were given power over a forth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and the wild beasts of the earth." The horsemen have authority in the Islamic quarter of the earth! The White horse under Saddam brought about the death of thousands of Kurd's killed by gas and hundreds of thousands of Iranians and Iraqis in the Iran-Iraq wars of the 1980's. These action will be seen to be somewhat benign as to what will happen in the future under the remaining 3 horses yet to ride. Jesus said that the events of the end time before his return could be compared to the birth pains of a  woman in labor. [Matthew 24:7-8].

We are now at the doorstep of the calling out of the second horseman. May Yehovah protect all those who are his!

                                     Second Sign Post

   Time                   Vision of         Vision of         Vision of
                                 Four              Ram &              Four
                                Beasts            Goat             Horsemen      ________________________________________
Iran conquers              Bear              Ram           Rider on   War Starts                 with high            with          Red Horse                                           side            two horns      Rev:6:4  
War Starts               (Daniel 7:5)   (Daniel 8:3-4,                                                                             20)                                                     
Iran is represented in the Vision of the Four Beasts as like unto a bear that has three ribs in its mouth. Second Iran is represented as a ram in the vision of the ram and the goat. Notice what Daniel says about the ram in the Second Signpost: Daniel 8:3-6. We see that has two horns one longer that the other which in Iran today represent the supreme leader and the leader of the revolutionary guard which grew up later, see: Daniel 8:3. It goes out to conquer in three directions, north, south and west with little or no resistance from any other nation.

We see the start of a war and that is reflected in the Red Horse who rider is said to take peace from the earth and make men slay one another. Notice that this horseman like the others has authority over only one quarter of the earth the Muslim nations of the middle east involving at least 12 Muslim nations. He will take peace away from the whole world for during this Sunni-Shia war oil production and transport will be disrupted.

Iran's leaders believe that their form of Islamic revolution should be exported to all Muslim countries in preparation for the coming of Mahdi [the anti-Christ] so that the Caliphate can be ushered in!

It is worthy of note that Ahmadinjad late president of Iran each year before the United Nations about the coming of Mahdi. He also claimed to receive help and direction from Mahdi [demon influence?]

According to the Iranian Shia leaders who are twelvers believe Mahdi will be the twelfth Imam who will unite Islam and extend it to the ends of the earth. Ahmadinjad also said that Iranian revolutionary mission is to make the appearing of the Mahdi possible, the pave the way! The neo-principalist camp in Iran believes that the coming of the Mahdi can only come about by physically spreading chaos to the nations of the Islamic realm.

A massive invasion of the Middle East is consistent with Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps - IRGC ideals. It seems that the rider of the Red Horse will receive his sword from the IRGC and will weld it! As revealed in Daniel 8:4 no other nation in the area of the Middle East will be able to stop the bear - Iran. As a Shia Islamic nation Iran will have as its goal subjugation of the Middle East to Shia Islamic rule, and to export its Islamic revolution.

Notice that Iraq is the nation that Iran will have to go through in order to carry out its invasion to the west and the south. Iran at the present time maintains control in Iraq, Lebanon, and is the ally of the Assad regime in Syria. So when Iran invades west it will have little opposition. Looking south we see all the nations of the Saudi Peninsula with the exception of Yemen [which is 50% Shia] to have militaries much smaller that Iran's. In most of these nations there are Shia communities that would cause disruption to support Iran's invasion. Iran wants to control the cities of Mecca and Medina for obvious religious reasons and they want the oil reserves in the Saudi Peninsula.

There is no limit to going south. Iran's forces going north will probably not go past Azerbaijan, again remember that the authority of the beasts is confined to the one forth of the earth that constitutes the Islamic Realm. As a result Israel will be spared. It will be a war between Shia and Sunni Muslim counties only. Also, Iran might not want to attack Israel at that time because it has nuclear weapons.

Now we can observe that the nation of Russia in the north, and Israel, Egypt and Turkey in the West will have large enough military forces to stop Iran's advance. Notice that the forces of Turkey, Israel and Egypt form a "wall" for Iran at the Eastern end of the Mediterranean - where the west is in Daniel 8:4.

Note that the civil war in Syria is already triggering an escalation in hostilities between Shia and Sunni factions.

This invasion by Iran will be the black swan event that will take down the U.S. dollar house of cards and take down America's unique position in the world. Iran will choose to use another currency instead of the U.S. dollar and that will be the end of the U.S. dollar's use as a petro-dollar, and that will cause tremendous inflation in the U.S. as a result of nations no longer having to keep huge cashes of U.S. dollars on hand to buy oil. The economic ramifications will be awesome.

The Third Signpost

Time               Vision of         Vision of         Vision of
                          Four               Ram &              Four
                         Beasts                Goat          Horsemen

Four nation     Four                 Goat with          Rider on a  
Confederacy    Headed             one Horn         Black Horse
headed by       Leopard          Daniel 8:5-8    Revelation 6:5-6
Turkey           Daniel 7:6
War ends

We begin the Third Signpost with a four nation confederacy. These four nations form a coalition or an alliance. Four nations within some sort of political union, working as one under one leader, most probably the leader of Turkey.

Note: The four heads of the leopard and the four horns of the Goat are different from each other. The four heads of the leopard were there as it emerged from the sea and it didn't change it form. For the Goat however, the four horns are a development from the one single horn. We also see that the that at the start of the Third Signpost the future leader of Turkey is in the form of a large single horn on the Goat in Daniel. This leader is going to lead a counter-attack toward the ram of Iran. Since the leader of Turkey is leading the most powerful military in the geographical region and he is the first leader of the four nation confederacy, he would be the first in time and importance. The Confederacy counterattacking with its leader as the single horn of the Goat could take place in the next 5 to 10 years give or take. That man may well be in power now, i.e. Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems to be the most likely candidate as of 2015. Note that the Goat comes from the West, sunset-west. The counterattack will most likely originate from Western Turkey.

Remember that the four headed Leopard and the Goat with the single horn are part of the same entity. The Leopard represents the nations, while the Goat represents its leadership. The way the Leopard and the Goat are described they have great mobility. Notice Daniel 7:6 and Daniel 8:5. The conquest of Iran and all its new territory in the Middle East could be completed in days or weeks. What many do not know is that Turkey at the present time has 20 U.S. nuclear bomb stored in a facility in Turkey which they could take an use in the coming battle against Iran.

The Confederacy will probably be made up of Turkey, Albania, Egypt and Syria that are all Sunni Muslim countries, who have all had secular forms of government, but we are now witnessing the transformation of these nations going from secular to Islamist governments. God will probably allow the Confederacy to rule and have authority over the lands it re-conquered including Iran.

This new territory will have a population of about 386 million people, making it the third most populated area next to China and India, with a territory of 7.3 million square kilometers which would make it the 7th largest in land area in the world, and it will possess 1/4 of the world's oil production capacity and 1/2 of the world's oil reserves. Daniel 8:8 tells us that the Goat - Turkey led Confederation will be very great! Indeed. At that time the Confederacy will be the only military power in the region between Libya and Afghanistan, except for Israel. The Confederacy will be seen a liberators and restoring order in the Middle East. One of its main tasks will be to restore governmental order. Its second task will be to get the oil to flow again. Today the region has a GDP of around 2.5 trillion dollars.

However Daniel 8:8 says of the Goat that after its conquest of the Ram, "The Goat became very great, but at the height of its power his large horn is broken off and in its place four prominent horns grew up toward the four winds of heaven." The four nations that arise after the Confederacy will be different. These four new nations will set up boundaries along ethnic or old geopolitical lines. In the Middle East there are 3 major ethnic groups - Arab, Persian and Turk.

The Forth Signpost

Time               Vision of         Vision of         Vision of
                          Four            Ram & Goat        Four Horsemen
Anti-Christ      Ten-horned     Four horns              Rider on a
Coalesces            Beast         with little horn          Green Horse
Empire          (Daniel 7:7-8  (Daniel 8: 9-12)      Revelation 6:8
Of this Beast, Daniel 7:7-8 records: ... I looked and there before me was a forth Beast terrifying and frightening and very powerful.

It had large iron teeth and it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the other Beasts and had 10 horns... then before me was another horn a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully. This Beast represents Islam. The Beasts 10 horns represent 10 nations that will exist at the time the Anti-Christ [Mahdi] emerges and reigns. Daniel states that the Anti-Christ [Mahdi] will be very strong and cause great devastation. This he will do as he rises to power just before the Tribulation.

Note: The four new nations arising from the territory of the Sunni Confederacy are counted among the 10 Islamic nations [ten toes]. The Anti-Christ will arise from one of the 4 new nations i.e. New Turkey - New Iran - New Egypt - New Arabia. The anti-Christ will come from New Turkey which contains the lands of Magog, Meshech and Tubal and also the old Roman province of Syria. The anti-Christ will takes the Turkish sector, the Arabian sector and the Egyptian sector so he will geographically surround Israel.

Notice the anti-Christ is the king of the North mentioned in Daniel 11: 40b-42. He will fight against the king of the South,   New Egypt. Daniel 8:41 says that the anti-Christ will also invade the "Beautiful Land" - Israel. This may mean to pass through in order to attack New Egypt. The real invasion of Israel will come at the end of the Tribulation Ezekiel 38.

The anti-Christ's conquests of New Turkey, New Arabia and New Egypt will exact a terrible toll in human life. At this point with the three nations conquered the remaining 7 Islamic nations will join him making for a total of 10 Islamic nations joined under one leader. 1) New Turkey, 2) New Egypt, 3) New Arabia, 4) New Iran, 5) Sudan, 6) Libya, 7) Algeria, 8) Kazakhstan, 9) Uzbekistan, 10) Turkmenistan.
When the anti-Christ has his three nations as the core of his empire, and  the other seven nations in submission, then he will be free to rule as the scriptures describe.
These events will change our world in the worst ways that we cannot even anticipate. As we see terrible event after terrible event take place we will know in a real and concrete way that the return of the lord Jesus is getting closer and closer!

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