Thursday, January 20, 2022


A true worshipper is one who has learned to trust God no matter what his situation in life. This person’s joy isn’t just in his words but in his whole way of life. His world is always at rest because his trust in God’s faithfulness is unshakable. He isn’t afraid of the future because he’s no longer afraid to die.

Gwen and I saw this kind of unshakable faith in our twelve-year-old granddaughter Tiffany. Sitting at her bedside in her final days, we beheld in her a peace that surpassed all our understanding. She told me, “Grandpa, I want to go home. I’ve seen Jesus, and he told me he wants me to be there. I don’t want to be here anymore.” Tiffany had lost all fear of death and deprivation.

That is the rest God wants for his people. It’s a confidence that says, like Paul and like Tiffany, “Live or die, I am the Lord’s.” This is what makes a completely sold-out - dead to self follower of God. God wants his people to have a faith that declares, “He who began this miracle for us will finish it. He has already proven to us he’s faithful."

A true worshipper isn’t someone who dances after the victory is won. It isn’t the person who sings God’s praises once the enemy has been vanquished. That’s what the Israelites did. When God parted the Red Sea and they arrived on the other side, they sang and danced, praised God, and extolled his greatness. Yet, three days later, many of these same people murmured against Moses [God’s agent], at Marah. The people who murmured weren’t worshippers; they were shallow shouters!

I pray that all who read this message can say in the midst of their hardships or worries, “Yes, the economy may collapse. Yes, I may still be facing sickness or failing a relationship, but God has proven Himself, faithful to me. No matter what comes, I will rest in His love for me.”

As we look back, we will see that all our fears were wasted. We will have experienced that God is committed to always doing what is good to us. We will have experienced his power and glory on our behalf.

Now, at this time, we must be determined to no longer live in fear. Live or die, we are the Lord’s.

Notice: an addition from myself: The love of our God and Father Yehovah is revealed to us by His commitment to enable us by the power of His Spirit to be enabled to keep His commandments and obey the words He gave to His uniquely begotten son Jesus to give to us to live by! We show our love to our God and Father Yehovah by living a life that is totally committed to walking in obedience to His will for us, as His sons and daughters.

Love without commitment is worth nothing. Love with commitment is true love indeed!

A true loving commitment to our God and Father Yehovah will lead us to a position in His soon-coming Kingdom, to co-rule with the lord Messiah Jesus when his Father Yehovah sends him down to take his place on the throne of David at Zion. At that time he will establish a Theocratic Government that will rule over the nations of the world, and we will co-rule with him in that Government. That will be the result of having a total commitment to walking in a committed faith before our God and Father Yehovah!

Written by David Wilkerson (1931-2011), edited and added to by Bruce Lyon

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