Wednesday, February 21, 2024


In the book of Ezekiel, we read how an angel exposed the religious perversions that were being covertly conducted in the Temple.

The angel brought me to the gate of the house of Yehovah and I beheld women weeping for Tammuz. Then said he unto me, you shalt see greater abominations. And he brought me into the inner court where about twenty-five men had their backs toward the Temple, and they faced the east and worshipped the sun (Ezekiel 8:14-16).

Worship of the sun and of Tammuz started in ancient Babylon. Nimrod built a city as the epicenter of his world government. It was there in Babylon that Nimrod was worshipped as “god.” He bore totalitarian rule over the people, reducing them to slaves in his political, economic, and religious systems. According to ancient Jewish tradition, it was Noah’s righteous, eldest son Shem who slew Nimrod and scattered his body parts throughout the land of Shinar.

That should have effectively ended the worship of Nimrod, but his devoted followers erected a tower that reached into the heavens—a huge obelisk just like the ones we see in Washington D.C., Heliopolis (Egypt), Rome, London, Paris, New York City, and around the globe. These obelisks are images of the uncircumcised penis of Nimrod, the father of Babylonian sun god worship. The Creator calls this obelisk, “the image of jealousy” and an “abomination.”

A previously broken-down ancient Roman obelisk was re-erected in Israel in the summer of 2001. Coincidently, a homosexual perversion pride parade in Tel Aviv seemingly inaugurated its erection ... and in the month of Tammuz, no less!

Nimrod’s widow, Beltis (also known as Semiramus), would not willingly let the kingdom slip through her fingers when her husband was killed. She proclaimed that Nimrod did not die, but that he had ascended into the heavens and was now the sun god. He later impregnated her with the rays of the sun. (At least, that was his widow’s excuse.) She delivered that illegitimate child on the day of the rebirth of the sun, the Winter Solstice ... which, on the ancient Babylonian calendar (before the procession of the equinoxes), fell on December 25th; the day that Nimrod, the sun god, was reborn as Tammuz.


The December 25th birthdate of Tammuz, the Babylonian sun god, comes as a shock to some in the West but is common knowledge among Jewish scholars and historians. The Jews were taken captive in Babylon for their disobedience concerning sun worship, even though they staunchly maintained, “That’s not what ‘Tammuz’s birthday’ means to us.”

They had also been captives in Egypt, where they took on the worship of Ra, the Egyptian sun god who was born on ... December 25th.

In 168 B.C., the Syrian/Greek General Antiochus Epiphanes occupied Jerusalem and set up a statue of Zeus in the Temple and proclaimed that Zeus was god ... on Zeus’ birthday, December 25th.

When Rome conquered Persia, the Roman Army adopted the worship of Mithra, the Persian version of Babylonian Tammuz. The symbol of Mithra was the same as the symbol of Tammuz: The Babylonian “Tau,” or “cross.”

When Rome conquered Jerusalem, they hung Jewish patriots on the cross of Mithra as sacrifices to the Roman sun god who was born on ... you guessed it ... December 25th.

The confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel scattered the heathen into the far corners of the Earth and confused the names of their gods, but the rituals of worship remained much the same wherever they went. Many significant historical events concerning pagan worship occurred on December 25th; but of this one thing I can absolutely assure you that Yeshua - Jesus of Nazareth was not born on ... December 25th.

But who was? Little baby Tammuz: the “reincarnated” Nimrod.

FORTY DAYS OF WEEPING FOR TAMMUZ [during the time we refer to as lent]

Tammuz, so the story goes, was gored to death by a wild boar in a hunting accident when he was 40 years old. Hence, 40 days of weeping for Tammuz was instituted: one day for each year of his life. During that time, sun god worshipers would deny themselves a pleasure in this life, for the sake of Tammuz’ pleasure in the afterlife.

Sound familiar? It gets better!


When Nimrod’s wife, Tammuz’s mother, died many years later, the exalted “Queen of Heaven” was sent back to earth by the gods on the first S-U-N Day after the Vernal Equinox. She arrived in a giant egg, which landed in the Euphrates River and broke open to allow her to emerge, reincarnated as the bare-breasted goddess of fertility and sexual desire. Her new name? Ishtar - Easter. To proclaim her divinity, Easter changed a bird into an egg-laying rabbit. On the western slope of the Hinnom valley in Jerusalem, in the dingy depths of the Canaanite caves designated for the worship of Easter and her son Tammuz, the priests of Easter would impregnate virgins on the altar of Easter at the Easter sunrise service. One year later the priests would sacrifice those three-month-old infants on the same altar, and dye Easter eggs in the blood of those sacrificed babies. To this very day, one denomination allows their Easter eggs to be dyed only one color: blood red! When you ask them why, they have no idea how the tradition started or what it rehearses ... but now you know!

Easter Sun day (the day set aside for sun god worship) is the day that concludes the 40 days of weeping for Tammuz; called by many “Lent.” From the time of its inception in Nimrod’s Babylon until this very day, this 40-day pagan festival climaxes as the sun god worshippers kill “the wild boar that killed Tammuz” and eat “ham” after the Easter sunrise orgy and child sacrifice service. There is one day that I can assure you that Yeshua – Jesus did not rise from the grave ... Easter sun day! And He never participated in “Lent!” WWJD? He would never, ever celebrate “Easter!”

Frequently, Easter and Passover are an entire month apart. Why? They represent the worship of two different gods. Easter is celebrated according to a pagan sun calendar developed in Babylon in accordance with the worship of Nimrod. Passover is celebrated according to the observance of the biblical new moon and the ripening of the barley in the land of Israel. Yeshua - Jesus kept the Feast of Passover. All of the rehearsals that were embedded in that feast were fulfilled in the year of his resurrection. On the other hand, Easter is the rehearsal of child sacrifice and fertility rites of the pagan sun god worshippers.


Which celebration should you keep? It depends entirely upon which GOD you serve; it’s your choice. Now you understand why the Holy One instructed us, “Do not learn the way of the Heathen and how they worship their gods, and then do the same to me – it is an abomination.”

Christmas and Easter are not celebrations of the birth and resurrection of Yeshua Jesus of Nazareth, but the continuation of child sacrifice festivals that were hatched in Babylon two thousand years before His birth!

We all recognize that the pagan calendar, which has been adopted by the Christian world, names every day of the week and nearly every month of the year after a pagan god or fallen angel. But many are surprised to note that the fourth month on the modern Jewish calendar is named after the pagan god Tammuz, in direct violation of the Torah, which states, “You shall not allow the names of other gods to come out of your mouth” (Exodus 23:12-14). I only speak the names of pagan gods for the same reason that the prophets of Israel spoke their names: to expose the perverted traditions that we have inherited from our disobedient ancestors.


The Almighty called Abraham to come out of Babylon by crossing over the Euphrates River and entering into a place where his offspring would be given a parcel of land “flowing with milk and honey,” and a job to do. Abraham’s descendants were to purge the land of every last vestige of the pagan sun god worship, and then they were to be YHWH’s [Yehovah’s] priests to the entire Earth. They were to be a nation of prophets who would make known the ways of the true GOD and call all nations to repentance. Israel was not obedient to the command to cleanse the land of paganism, but rather, they adopted the practices of the heathen.

The church was given a commission by the lord Messiah Jesus to spread the word of the coming Kingdom [Kingship] of God – Yehovah to all the nations of the world. They were to keep the creed of the lord Messiah Jesus as outlined in Mark 12:28-32. They were to love God – Yehovah with all their heart, mind, being, and strength and to love their neighbors as themselves enabled to do so by the power of the Spirit of God which they received when they were baptized, becoming new creations in the lord Messiah, and slaves bought and paid for by his shed blood when he presented himself to his God and Father Yehovah as a sin-offering sacrifice on the stake, reconciling humanity to Him!

The church has failed to do what they were commissioned to do, so much so that Jesus makes an amazing statement when he says: when the Son of Man returns to this earth will he find faith? Luke 18:8: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find the faith on the earth?”

The Torah [God's instruction] reminds us, “Do not learn the way of the heathen, how they worship and serve their gods, and then do the same and say that you are doing it for me, it is an abomination” (Deuteronomy 12:30-31). Just as the Almighty told Abraham in Genesis, He also, in the book of Revelation, tells those living at the end of the age to “come out of Babylon.”

Now the question is: "Will you come out of Babylon?"

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