Monday, January 20, 2020


Through the example of Israel being a light to the Gentile nations, which they were commissioned to do: God wanted all the nations to come to "fear" Him.

Note: The word "fear" here does not mean terror or fright, for there ​are two usages ​for ​the word "fear".

Exodus 20:20, illustrates the two usages in the same verse: "Fear not, but rather fear Yehovah". Therefore, it is urged not to be frightened or scared; instead, put your whole trust and faith in Yehovah. In the latter sense, the fear of Yehovah is the beginning of everything: of understanding, of living, of personal separation - holiness unto Yehovah leading to a personal relationship with the living God. This is what the goodness of God was driving Israel to: a key way to bring all the nations to believe in Him. Therefore Israel was to be a witnessing , proclaiming and evangelizing nation. The Gentiles through them had to be brought to the light.

As we know Israel failed to do what Yehovah had commissioned them to do and Christendom not realizing what it meant to be grafted into Israel did not carry out the commission Yehovah gave them to do which was to provide a witness and testimony to all the Gentile nations of the goodness of the one true God Yehovah. Instead they proclaimed a triune pagan god and a god/man that they claim was the son of God, which he ​was not. Jesus was never a god/man!

However, God always has a remnant to carry out His will on this earth and that is what we have been so graciously been called to do. We are the true Israel that is to take the message that Yehovah gave to His son Jesus to give to us to take to the world. That message declares how much Yehovah loves all men/women and gave His uniquely begotten son to be a sin offering sacrifice in order that all those come who believe in him, and to walk in faith-obedience obeying all the words his God and Father gave to him to give to those that are his will gain entrance into the coming Kingdom of God.

As the Israel of God we are, as members, a royal priesthood, individual temples because of His indwelling presence in us. Our duty is to do His will on this earth carrying the good news of the message Jesus preached to the world and thus be a light unto a
ll men/women, leading them to trust and believe in Yehovah. 

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