Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Somebody reading this needs a touch from Jesus. When the lord ministered here on earth, he went about healing and restoring the afflicted by simply touching them. When Jesus touched Peter’s mother-in-law, her fever left her body (see Luke 4:38-40). He touched the casket of a dead child, and the boy came to life. He touched the eyes of blind people, and they could see. He touched the ear of a deaf man who could then hear. Multitudes brought their sick and infirm, and Jesus took the time to reach out and touch them all, healing them “Then little children were brought to him that he might put his hands on them and pray” (Matthew 19:13, NKJV). The Messiah Jesus' gentle touch changed everything.

If you truly know the lord Messiah intimately, you have felt the touch of Jesus’ hand. In times of loneliness, discouragement, confusion, and pain, you cried out from the depth of your soul, “Lord Jesus, I need your touch. I need to feel your presence. Come, lord Jesus, and touch my thirsting soul.”

Some need a touch of Jesus upon their mind. Satan has come with his wicked principalities to harass and overburden the mind with thoughts that are hellish, unbelieving, un-Messiahlike, fearful, thoughts of unworthiness, thoughts of God’s displeasure. Honest believers will tell you they have experienced these attacks on their minds. Satan is determined to destroy our faith and dependence on Yehovah and His son Jesus.

In scripture, the touch of Jesus came in answer to a cry. There is no evidence that he ever ignored or rejected such a cry. He will not turn away from you but will mercifully respond to your need. In the gospels, we read “Behold, a leper came and worshiped him, saying, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’ Then Jesus put out his hand and touched him, saying, ‘I am willing; be cleansed.’ Immediately his leprosy was cleansed” (Matthew 8:2-3).

Addition: When I read how Jesus reached out and touched the leper who came to him for healing, tears come to my eyes. It was probably the first time anyone had touched him since he became a leper. Everywhere he went people would shy away from him and cry out "leper" "leper" I can't imagine the loneliness and mental anguish of living a life of complete rejection as your body wastes away. So with hope in his heart, he came to the lord Jesus and when he asked for healing experienced Jesus hand touching him and hearing him say "I will be cleansed" As Jesus spoke those words he felt a healing power cleansing him. What an amazing and wonderful example of love the lord Jesus expressed during his lifetime on the earth! May we all strive to become more like him in every way and thus become perfect before our God and Father Yehovah!

Find a place alone with Jesus today and say to him what the leper said, “Lord, you are able. Make me clean.” Expect that he who like his Father is no respecter of persons will touch and heal you in mind, body, heart, and spirit. The arm of the lord is outstretched to you, but he waits for that cry for help that is also a cry of expectancy.

Written by David Wilkerson (1931-2011) and edited by Bruce Lyon

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