Wednesday, August 10, 2022


For soldiers or policemen that have to take a life or lives as part of their job is part of the civil governmental duties that God instituted at the time of Noah. However, a follower of the Messiah Jesus cannot be a member of the armed service as a soldier, a policeman, or a security guard where they might be called upon to kill someone.

It is impossible for a follower of Jesus to kill anyone for any reason. He commands us to love our enemies, not kill them, and to pray for those who persecute us, not do them any harm. You can't love your enemy with an M-16 or a handgun, or any weapon with the intent of killing that enemy.

We are in this world, but not of it, and our citizenship is in heaven. If we as followers of Jesus are to truly follow him, we will never do a violent act towards anyone, as he did not ever do so. We have to place our confidence in our God and the Messiah Jesus to have our back, to guide and protect us through any and all circumstances.

Today there are many disciples of the Messiah who are being persecuted or put in prison or killed and I have not heard of any fighting back. If some do so, it is because they have not realized that they are not of this world; that they are in it but not of it as new creations in the Messiah Jesus. That being a fact; we are to act according to how Jesus acted during his entire life, giving us an example to follow. We are to strive to walk in his steps, follow his example and become more like him in every way, for in doing so we become perfect.

Jesus was non-violent, and he said that if his Kingdom was of this age, his servant would fight, but it is not of this age; but of the age to come; when he will come in power and take up his rule over the nations and we will rule with him over all, at that time. In this age were are to show forth the Messiah Jesus; in following his example to provide a true witness; as to the character of the Messiah Jesus; to others.

In the 2nd War, we had German Christians fighting against Christian of the allied armies. When the Atomic bomb his Hiroshima, it landed on a Baptist Church that was located in the center of that city. I'm sure President Truman, who was a baptist, was devastated when he found that out.

For a believer in the Lord Jesus to take up a weapon and kill another human being for whatever reason is to deny his/her Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah. He would never sanction such behavior. We need to realize who is in us and we in him, the Lord Jesus.

Can you imagine the Lord Jesus using any type of gun to kill someone? That thought alone should be the answer to the question: Is it alright to be a part of any organization that would require you to possibly kill anyone in the line of duty?

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