Serving God is the reason man was created. We serve out of the joy and gladness that we have such a loving Creator God toward us who are His; a true genuine Father who loves us in every sense of the word.
He is longsuffering with us, patient toward us, kind toward us, and always deals with us in steadfast love. He never corrects us according to the measure we deserve. He has provided us with a mediator, between Himself and us, His beloved son Jesus, who is our advocate before our God and Father Yehovah, acting as our High Priest.
We serve God - Yehovah not out of obligation but out of joy and thanksgiving, for all He is to us every moment of every day; with the realization that we are never alone because we are always in the presence of our God and Father Yehovah, the God and Father of our lord Jesus who serves us in so many ways we do not see, constantly guiding us to walk on the narrow path that leads to new age life in the coming Kingdom which He will rule over!
Indeed, we serve God with joy and thanksgiving for all He has been to us. May we have the privilege of doing so for ages upon ages to come, and glory in His name, YeHoVaH.
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